We always want more. We sometimes so much more for selfish reasons only, turning this desire into greed, and we become oblivious to the needs of others. Greed has made many people wild in history and still does. The Gilded Age, a period of gross mat…
“Quick, the cord’s wrapped around her neck. Twice!”
I remember my numb feet in the stirrups. I remember the nurses on either side of me. I remember seeing my baby’s little purple head in the mirror, cone-shaped and strange. The doctor’s hand whirre…
Athlete’s foot is a frequent infection that millions of people suffer from annually. I once had it during my military service where we had to wear boots almost an entire day. Once during a noon intercession, I performed my ablutions to pray and I pl…
“Black cumin is healing for all diseases except death.” Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Studies on the positive effects of black cumin have a long history. Even a simple list of the titles of these studies would take many pages. The research in the fie…